Idea: A Whirlpool wash makes sure even the most egregious offenses will stay between you and your Whirlpool.
CW: Madeline Wood
AD: Meghan Pisters
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We'll keep your dirty secrets,
but can you?
Take a Load Off Confession Booth Activation
Whirlpool invites you to unburden yourself of your darkest secrets and wash your guilty conscience clean. Enter the confession booth and write your secret on a white t-shirt. Then, toss it into the whirlpool washer/dryer to witness your shame disappear.
Our liars can now dawn their new shirts without fear of their secret being exposed. Now that you've confessed your villain origin story to a corporation, you can enter our Whirlpool Sneak Easy filled with other liars in pristine white shirts enjoying cocktails from our secret inspired menu. Clearly everyone here has a secret. Whirlpool can keep it, but can you?
Our delicious secret inspired cocktail menu